Actress Lakshmi Rai recently shot with Power Star Srinivasan for an opening song in her film, Onbathula Guru.
Confirming the news, director Selvakumar says, “We had wrapped up the film and were even ready with the first copy. But the team felt that we needed to incorporate the opening song that K had composed for us. So, I asked Lakshmi and the film’s heroes to spare a day to shoot the number. We asked Power Star if he can also be part of the song and he agreed. We shot the sequence in a set in the city a few days ago. The number, Alaiyadhe Summa…, will be a peppy one and set the tone for the film.”
Meanwhile, the director is kicked about launching a single from the film today. “Ilayathalapathy Vijay will release the single, and several top artists from the south Indian film industry have also consented to be part of the event,” he says.
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